the louvre, croque madame, rainy afternoons, the wall, dancing, halloween in parisian streets, crepes with nutella, the metro, hostel oops, mod prints at musee d'orsay, beautiful people every which way, eclairs, pere lechaise, notre dame at night, the luxembourg gardens, cheap champagne at the foot of the eiffel tower..i could go on. Paris rules. If you tell me anything else you're a fool.
we left the absolute glamour of Paris for Amsterdam. After a lengthy train ride we found ourselves waiting outside of cafe Grasshopper for Mark (the unfortunate "colleague" at Amsterdam Cribs hostel). He turned out to be a sketchy Lithuanian DJ with a loping walk and a lack of credibility. Nevertheless, we were upgraded to a studio apartment complete with bongs, tea, and a playstation system that could make a teenage boy's head spin. We saw women with stretch marks in neon windows, swans swimming outside of sex shops, people blitzed out of their minds rolling joints at bus stops, and lots of great shoe stores. The Van Gogh museum was mellow, beautiful, and the waffles were delicious. The city was cold and foreboding and honestly, I should've prepared myself for the satanic place I was entering but I'm glad I saw the dams, the coffee shops, and the prostitutes. Amsterdam is the devil's playground. How can you say no?
We loved Berlin. Monsieur Vuong for cheap asian noodles, Claudia Skoda for amazing knit clothing, Pony Bar, Wombat City hostel (vacuum sealed sheets, who knew!), Brandenburg gate, the tall women with their cheekbones, the metro at 6 am, club Weekend with its middle school mafia, the winter jackets with fur, it was all incredible. East Berlin and West Berlin are worlds apart but it's worth seeing both. The modernity of East Berlin and the outdated feel of the West are both significant, and this is truly a city of juxtaposition (thank you Paolo for driving this home during our 4 hour, blisteringly cold walking tour). Berlin is not to be missed. It was the perfect finish to a perfect trip.
We left Berlin before the sun rose, barely making our easyjet flight. We came home with sore muscles and cameras bursting with pictures. Now it's time to unwind. A presto.
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